For every one of us there comes a time in our lives when it’s time to make THAT decision…
Maybe it’s when you hit your 40s. Maybe it’s as early as turning 18.
The question is: take the natural route OR start the journey of becoming a frequent visitor at the hairdresser to cover up those silver roots?
The beauty industry might tell you to get rid of all the gray hair as soon as possible.
But what do you think?
Beauty standards are constantly changing. And when it comes to deciding what makes you feel the most confident, it is only up to you to decide. Go with your gut. You can have grey hair and still look dashing!
Here are 4 tips that will help you with that decision:
1. Think about how it makes you feel
Some women are ready to embrace everything that comes with getting older. But for some of us, signs of getting older make us feel less confident. Being pro-age and embracing getting older doesn’t mean that you must LOVE every sign of aging. If you feel like you’re just not ready yet, don’t do it.
2. Think about the money
Think about all the long hours at the hairdresser or at home spent dying your hair. And it’s not only time you’re spending… Money… Put it on paper. How much does it cost for you to keep up with coloring those silver roots in a year? Now think about what you could do/buy with this money if you could save all that!
3. Transition step by step
If you decide to go for your natural tone of grey, things won’t happen overnight. Usually, it takes about a year and a half. To avoid those harsh roots, you might want to start with adding grey-toned highlights. As those grey strands of glitter start to grow out, gradually reduce the highlights.
4. Nothing is permanent
All beginnings are tough. But remember, it’s not something you can’t change if you don’t like the result. Don’t like it? Hate the way it looks? Don’t feel like yourself? That’s ok! If you think that your gray hair makes you look older than you feel, call your hairdresser, and get rid of that silver!