A few fine lines and a hint of gray can sometimes spark several questions in your head regarding your looks and beauty.
Let’s answer some of the most common questions we get around the topic: beauty for over 50.
Dove conducted a study in 2007 and concluded that “beauty has no age”.
According to a Philips Global survey in 2019, 70% of women think that beauty is something you define yourself.
Short answer- never!
A woman’s beauty never fades.
It’s a feeling and has no definition.
For all our silver queens who wonder when a woman starts seeing noticeable changes in the skin, the answer is the late 30s.
But beauty is beyond fine lines, less-elastic skin, brown spots, and broken capillaries.
The best way to look beautiful is to feel beautiful and reveal the real you.
Use age pro products that are designed keeping in mind your skin and its changing requirements.
Prime Prometics line of products is well-researched, all-natural, pro-age make-up that gives you back the confidence to shine.
We already know the signs of aging start getting visible on hair and skin.
Skin becomes rough and develops fine lines and wrinkles.
Hair color starts to fade. Hair becomes thinner, and many people experience hair fall.
Together they give you a different and mature look.
Here are a few tips on how to get healthy hair and skin naturally and knock 5-10 years off your face.
Let’s get started.
Beauty tips for over 50 women are incomplete without talking about long and luscious hair. Here are 4 natural ways to maintain your hair:
With age, hair fiber becomes thinner, and eventually, your once thick and luscious hair becomes thin and limp.
To give more volume to thinning hair, you may consider trying a shorter cut, volumizing shampoo, or even hair color.
Since hair is made of protein strands called keratin, ensuring enough protein in your diet can help you make your hair healthy and strong.
You can include eggs, avocado, berries, and omega-3 in your diet to provide enough raw material and nourishment for your hair growth.
Wash frequency depends on the type of your hair.
Oily hair needs to be washed more frequently than dry hair.
Washing more often than required may make hair more dry and brittle, resulting in hair loss.
Heating reduces moisture from your hair and makes them brittle and weak.
Avoid using curling iron, straighteners, and blow dryers.
According to a scientific study, smoking accelerates the aging process.
To maintain your beauty over 50, you must consider quitting smoking if you do.
No list of beauty tips for women over 50 is complete without advising on moisturizing your skin.
Moisturizer helps trap the water in your skin, keeping it hydrated and plumped.
Exercising increases blood flow, thereby bringing oxygen and other vital nutrients to the skin.
With the fine lines and wrinkles, makeup is never the same as it was in your 20’s, 30’s, or 40’s.
Use products that provide a more natural look and allow your natural features to show through rather than concealing and hiding.
Prime Prometics line of products is designed keeping in mind the changing requirements of your skin as you age.
Studies prove that sleep deprivation is associated with increased signs of intrinsic skin aging.
The skin makes more collagen when you’re sleeping.
Collagen gives your skin elasticity and prevents the formation of wrinkles.
Facial and massage routines help keep the muscles firm and increase the blood flow, thereby keeping skin cells healthy.
The connection between skin and gut is so deep that it even has a scientific name: gut-skin axis.
An increasing number of studies report that where there is gut inflammation, there is skin inflammation.
Therefore, it’s important to address gut health.
Antioxidants have been found to help correct the signs of age, prevent sun damage, repair skin, and brighten skin tone.
It works by scavenging the free radicals naturally produced by our body that are responsible for breaking down the collagen and triggering age signs.
Some antioxidants you may consider including in your diet are spinach, blueberries, avocado, papaya, broccoli, and nuts.
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For all general inquiries, please contact us at info@primeprometics.com
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