People make a big deal out of puberty.
But hitting 50 is harder in some ways than braving the pre-teen years.
Your kids may be off to college or stepping into their own independence.
You find yourself saying “no” to your favorite foods because of slow metabolism and poor appetite.
A flight of stairs can knock the wind out of your lungs.
And blood sugar, hypertension, cardiac disease - all the ailments that happened to distant relatives are suddenly an unpleasant possibility.
The milestone of 50 sees you a decade away from retirement, but with the feeling that your most productive years may be well over. Not a great place to be in.
And that’s good news.
It does not matter whether you are a woman who is 50, 60, 70 or 80… you can take a series of steps to feel more positive, improve your body strength, gain muscle mass, and find your own definition of beauty to revel in.
Health risks definitely loom larger past your 5th decade. But if you are cautious and educate yourself, you can leverage the extra time that is now free in your life to give yourself a healthy overhaul.
Face your fears. Women over 50 go through post-menopause symptoms. The drop in estrogen and other “feel good hormones” usher in depression and anxiety. It is crucial to face the facts and understand what you’re susceptible to, and what is not likely to happen.
For example, menopause does not cause belly fat accumulation. But studies have shown that women who are concerned about losing their looks consume more processed sugars and junk food, leading to weight gain.
Don’t self-diagnose using the internet. Have a candid chat with your physician and discuss a schedule of regular health check-ups that will keep track of your vitals.
Recommended health checks for women after 50 include mammograms, colon cancer screening, pap smears, skin checks, insulin tolerance (pre-diabetes) tests, and cholesterol tests.
Don’t anticipate the worst. Rely on the sensors of medical screening to detect what (if anything) is wrong.
After 50, weight loss SHOULD NOT be on your horizon. Instead understand what vitamins, minerals, and trace elements your body lacks and replenish them through your diet.
Sometimes you can’t give your body everything it needs through your meals. This is more challenging if you already grapple with a deficiency of some sort.
Sudden changes in appetite, mood, ability to focus, and energy levels indicate the need to dose up on specific vitamins and minerals which work in tandem to maintain the delicate hormone and enzyme balance in the body.
Zinc is a co-factor in manufacturing more than 200 enzymes. It is about the most common supplement to be used by women over 50. You can also consult with your physician to explore the option of taking Vitamin B12, Calcium, Vitamin C, and Vitamin D.
They will not only act as a benevolent “pick me up” but also mitigate potential problems with joint mobility and bone health.
Sweating for the sake of sweating is not a smart strategy for women over 50.
The goal of exercise in your golden years is to build muscle mass and improve body strength. These two things together keep you independent and functioning well way into the future.
Ditch the cardio and transition over to resistance training. Remember, you don’t want your muscles to deteriorate or atrophy. It’s not just about looking smart in a new dress. It is about giving your body the gentle push it needs to do what it does, without hiccups.
Yoga is a rage in the Western world. But opt for yoga only if you have practised it in the past and are under the guidance of a licensed guru who understands the principles of energy flow associated with the various postures.
Don’t abuse your body with un-coordinated exercise sessions or experiments with techniques that aren’t familiar. The key is to do something every day to build up strength and power. Not to push yourself to the edge from the get-go.
50 is the best time to understand how your body works. This way you can stay in tune with the changes and apply your intuition to the treatments you do end up availing.
The cutting-edge branch of science, epigenetics, is diving deep into how the food we eat, and the environment we operate in can literally change how our genes express themselves. Genetic expression is the ONLY key to lasting health because genes are the building blocks of life.
Longevity to the tune of a 100 years is no longer a myth. Rely on what hard facts have to say about your body and send the signals it needs to keep you fighting fit.
The keyword here is “your”.
You have to fall in love with the person staring back at you from the mirror. And the first step towards this is putting a pause on chasing “youth”. Or a standard of being young that’s defined by mass-media and thus unachievable.
Women are made to feel bad about their body, their attitude, and their aspirations at ALL AGES. Women in their 50s need to lead the change.
You are a strong, independent female who has seen it all. You do realise that looking like a 20-year old should not be the goal of your beauty regime. Looking like your best self is the only way to go.
Pro-age make-up companies like Prime Prometics make this possible. Opt for products that don’t shame your problems, and instead give you what you require to have healthy skin, lashes, hair, and nails.
So few people talk about the importance of surrounding yourself with folks who appreciate your worth and support your dreams.
Getting old chronologically can be alienating. There is a strong desire to cling to the past. And “youth”.
With age you must carefully evaluate your friend circle and your relationships and cut away any attachments or connections that don’t align with who you see yourself becoming in the future.
Nostalgia is the number one reason most women in their 50s, 60s, and 70s end up taking bad decisions, going under the knife, or investing in items or experiences that ultimately don’t serve their best interests.
Being with individuals who are at peace with their own identities and journey is crucial.
Life can start afresh at 50.
It is the first chapter of a new book where you have the freedom and the wisdom to write your own rules.
Love your body, love yourself, love who you’ve become and who you are going to evolve into.
Self-love can make sticking to the seven things we’ve discussed in this blog a joy and a journey you will look forward to.
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