This is something all of us at every age should be doing but hey, it’s never too late.
Think about all the things in life you’re passionate about. Things that bring you joy. Things you’ve always wanted to try. List them and then go more into detail.
Have you already done those things? If yes, then write what is it about them that brings you joy. Go into detail. Even if you can’t do that at the moment it can give you a sense of excitement.
Maybe you’ll find out that you love to travel because it brings you a sense of freedom. And then think about other things in life that can give you a sense of freedom. If you can’t go on a trip at this instant, why not do something else that brings you a similar sense of excitement?
If there are things on that list, that you haven’t done yet, there’s no better time than now. Your children are all grown or old enough, so it is time for you to put yourself first. Always wanted to learn how to dance? Great! Grab your girlfriend or husband and do it! What are you waiting for?
Things like that don’t happen if we don’t put the effort in. Everything depends on us! So, if we need to choose who we want to be in life, let’s be BRAVE! And follow our passions.
There’s this quote by Tom Robbins: “Curiosity especially intellectual inquisitiveness is what separate truly alive from those who are merely going through the motions.”
Don’t be that person that accepts everything just because people say it’s true. Don’t ever stop asking questions, learning new things, and exploring.
We live in a crazy world but in a good way, so use it to your advantage.
Read books, travel the world, try new hobbies, learn new skills. You can live in one country and go to university in another (remote/online learning). You can learn and get inspired by some of the greatest people of all time from the comfort of your own house…
There is no reason to stop being curious. No excuse.