Aging has its challenges, but staying fit after 60 shouldn’t be one of them.
The age of 60 is a crucial milestone in life.
Many people give up on everything after crossing this threshold. They quit their jobs, stop visiting friends and families, and stop pursuing their passion.
It's mainly because they don't feel fit and believe it’s too late to change that.
And if you think that all your cards have been dealt with, this article is for you.
Because the truth is, no matter what your age, you can improve your fitness.
While aging is natural and cannot be avoided, we can improve our health and be fit again without having to lift weights or spending sweaty hours at the gym.
Ready? Let’s dive in.
First up, move away from your mental blockage that you’re too old to exercise.
Yes, it’s harder to do the things you could easily do in your 30s and 40s.
It’s because your muscles and bones become less flexible.
Your muscle mass decreases 3–8% per decade after the 30s. This rate of decline is even higher after the age of 60.
But this does not mean you can't start exercising after 60.
Believe me, exercising gets easier with time.
For our silver queens who want to be in shape at 60, the best way is to start with a short workout and then gradually increase its length over time.
If your doctor approves it (and if you don't have any medical conditions that would prevent exercise), there are some light exercises like swimming or using an elliptical machine at a gym or pool.
These activities keep burning the calories while helping improve circulation and maintaining balance and coordination.
And if you’re still waiting for some inspiration for starting exercise at 60, here you go!
When I was 50 I started doing Pilates. Now I do it 3 times a week - Pilates Flow, Classic Pilates and a 1-1 Reformer Pilates Session. I like strength training too - I used to do Zumba every week but my gym closed and that was it!
Linda Holman Evans, lindasstyletips
Exercise as you mature is vital in overall health! We need to keep strong and flexible as we age. I love spin class for endurance as well as weight training, nothing crazy small weights up to 10lbs to keep those muscles from turning into flab.
Suzanne Vassallo, redflameburn
You are what you eat.
This phrase holds even more true in your senior years.
As you age, there are certain nutrients that your body needs more than ever before.
On the other hand, there are a few nutrients that your body cannot process efficiently.
For example, alcohol and sugar intake may result in health problems such as diabetes or cancer later.
Avoid processed foods as much as possible; stick with natural fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and whole grains instead.
You can focus on eating foods high in vitamins and minerals but low in fat and calories.
Cut down on saturated fats by eating more fish (which contains omega-3 fatty acids), nuts (almonds in particular), and seeds like sunflower seeds.
A healthy diet is a key part of aging well.
Sleep is essential for a number of reasons, but it's particularly important as you age.
Research suggests that sleep can help prevent disease—and if you have diabetes or heart disease (or are at risk for either), it's even more critical that you get enough shut-eye.
What constitutes "enough" sleep?
The National Sleep Foundation recommends seven to nine hours of sleep each night for adults aged 18 to 64 years old and eight to 10 hours for those 65 years and older.
If you're having trouble sleeping or staying asleep, talk with your doctor about possible treatments such as prescription sleep aids or herbal supplements like melatonin.
You need more water in your 60s to compensate for the changes in your body temperature regulation.
In an interesting study, it was found that while exercising older people’s bodies don’t adjust the rate of sweat loss to prevent further dehydration.
This results in a greater strain on the heart, evidenced by a more pronounced increase in heart rate compared to younger men and women.
Therefore, you need more liquid.
But not all liquids are created equal. Drink at least 64 ounces of fluids such as water or beverages daily.
Not to mention, these beverages do not include caffeinated drinks and alcohol. ;)
The higher the temperature outside, the greater demand for extra hydration.
And if you're sick, you guessed it — drink up!
Getting plenty of fluids while fighting off illness will help get rid of those nasty symptoms sooner rather than later and prevent dehydration in general.
Walking is an age-old method to boost health irrespective of your age.
It can be particularly helpful for our silver beauties who are still not sold on the idea of doing the exercise every day.
Experts recommend walking at least 150 minutes a week for adults above 65 years of age.
Here’s what our beauty experts have to say about walking every day.
I walk everyday, I love how it feels to move and I’m fighting aging like all of us. I’m slim and healthy and feel great.
Barbara Pask, barbarapaskart
I like to walk while listening to podcasts. Fitness, while I learn, is the best. I also do an online zoom fitness class 4 times a week. I love it because I have no excuses to miss it and I can drink my coffee until 5 minutes before the class starts.
Lisa Adkins, smilinglisamodel
Another way to remain fit is to feel and look beautiful.
Emotions and mindset play a huge role in our mental and physical health.
We at PrimePrometics, believe in the power of healing rather than hiding.
Therefore, we bring you a wide range of products to help mature women feel pretty and confident again.
And you don’t need too many cosmetics cluttering your nightstand. Our products are quite versatile.
Our PrimeBrow Complete wand acts as a brow tint, a spoolie brush, and a serum.
Similarly, our PrimeLip Gloss not only makes your pout pop, but you can also use it as a highlighter.
Maintaining a healthy libido is important for both men and women, but the effects of age on sexuality can be more pronounced in women.
According to research, by their 50s and 60s, most women experience changes in their testosterone levels that directly affect their sex drive.
Additionally, some women may experience less spontaneous desire for sexual activity or even pain during intercourse.
However, there are ways you can help maintain your sexual health into older age:
Exercise regularly. It will increase blood flow throughout your body and make it easier for you to get aroused.
Avoid any medications that may be affecting your libido.
Avoid smoking marijuana if possible.
Get plenty of sleep at night. It helps keep hormones balanced.
Whether it's an illness or financial hardship, we all have experienced times when things weren't going well.
The difference between people who are resilient and those who aren't is how they respond when they're faced with such situations.
Some people choose to give up or give in; others choose not to let their circumstances dictate their moods or behaviors, and others still choose to transform their negative feelings into something positive.
Emotional fitness isn't something that comes naturally for everyone—it takes practice!
Do you remember how much fun it was when you were younger to run up the stairs instead of taking an elevator? Well, now's the time for that again!
Stair climbing is a great way to get your heart rate up and burn some calories.
Plus, it's a fun way to work out your leg muscles and increase bone density.
Stair climbing can also be good for your heart and lungs because it strengthens them while they're working harder than they would be otherwise.
You might find that your friends are already active and can help motivate you. If they're not, maybe they'd be interested in joining a class with you or going on a walk together.
Reach out to family members and colleagues who live close by, too.
Online communities like Meetup make it easy for people with similar interests to find one another and get together face-to-face at least once a week.
These groups can help introduce new activities into your life, like hiking or biking around town (or even just taking the stairs instead of using an elevator).
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When it comes to staying fit- you may love it, you may hate it, but you cannot ignore it.
We understand that with age, it gets increasingly challenging to exercise and stay healthy and physically active.
But ignoring your physical health, especially after your 60s, may result in gaining weight, losing muscle strength, and increasing the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and other health issues.
With the tips on how to get fit at 60, we hope you’ll take better control of your health because we aim to help you look beautiful from the outside and inside.
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