Erika Silva is another of our Queens who is a surthrivor—a woman who hasn’t just survived cancer, but is now thriving.
She was kind enough to share some of her words of wisdom and set us off on a journey to discover some incredible beauty tips—the kind that makes you feel good inside and out—for cancer survivors.
As with so many other breast cancer survivors, Erika’s cancer story began with finding a lump.
“One night, I discovered a lump in my breast, which led to a journey of countless chemotherapy sessions and hospital stays due to complications. I tested positive for the PALB2 genetic mutation, which prompted me to undergo a full hysterectomy and double mastectomy with reconstruction. I endured four reconstructive surgeries to get to where I am today.”
With hysterectomy comes menopause, which alone can be a challenge for many women. To face it on top of dealing with chemo and surgery can be devastating. But as with so many other cancer survivors, Erika found the courage to move forward.
And not only did she move forward—she faced down cancer and got to where she is today!
Looking at her face, you’d never know Erika went through the grueling journey she did…unless of course, you focus on the strength she radiates!
Cancer made Erika question her womanhood.
“Breast cancer stripped me of my womanhood, leaving me feeling bald, scarred, and aged beyond my years. The diagnosis shattered my mental health and self-perception, making it hard to recognize myself in the mirror. But I refuse to let cancer define me.”
While there’s a raging debate going on in the media about what womanhood is exactly—with many women trying to shatter old gender roles—most of us don’t question our own womanhood.
We may, like the magazines, ask exactly what womanhood is, and question our sexuality, but we’ve always felt like, well, we’re women. Plain and simple.
But when you undergo cancer treatment (and, sometimes, simply reach menopause), you suddenly feel like you’ve lost *it.*
Whatever it was to you, it’s gone.
Only it isn’t.
You’re still as much a woman as you ever were. It’s all within you.
Sometimes, it helps to show it, however. By making yourself feel like a woman again as you allow yourself the joy of nice clothes and makeup, you can rekindle the feeling of being…you.
Erika says,
“I firmly believe that when we look good, we feel good, and Prime Prometics has helped me regain my confidence and femininity. I highly recommend this amazing, affordable makeup line to all my Breasties—it truly is a game-changer!”
True beauty and femininity are both on the inside, but most women feel more confident when they can let that inner gorgeousness come out and play.
That’s part of the reason why we love what we do—Prime helps women feel more like their true selves.
Cancer organizations worldwide talk about the importance of self care during cancer treatment and beyond—and not only the care of your body and mental health, but also caring for your looks.
One study suggests that something as simple as a makeup workshop can help you feel better during treatment. There’s even an organization helping women worldwide with beauty tips during cancer treatment, Look Good, Feel Better.
Amongst other things, they offer in-person and online makeup workshops.
Erika made us happy by confessing,
“I was thrilled to discover Prime Prometics and its incredible products, which not only enhance my beauty but also offer amazing benefits like the lash growth serum—a true game-changer for survivors like me! I'm obsessed with the mascara, which has transformed my lashes into thick, luscious ones that look stunning with just a few swipes. As a quick makeup enthusiast, I also adore the pigment blush, which feels featherlight on my skin yet lasts all day. My go-to makeup routine now includes Prime Prometics mascara, pigment blush, and the super cool eyeliner.”
When recovering from cancer, it’s important to connect with other people—whether they’re going through the same thing you are, or simply are people whom you feel a connection with.
This is always important. Life is a constant journey of ups and downs.
Having a support network—people who uplift us mentally and are there for us physically—is vital.
And Erika told us,
“I’m sharing my story to inspire others and show that there is beauty in resilience and strength in vulnerability.”
Whether you want to talk to cancer survivors or someone else is up to you, the important thing is to talk to and listen to others.
That’s also why we’re so passionate about sharing the stories of Chemo Warriors and surthrivors—no matter what you’re going through or how lonely you might feel right now, you’re not.
There’s someone out there who will hear you, understand you, and walk the path with you. You just need to find them. And thanks to the online world, that’s not as hard as it used to be.
No matter what you’re going through, you’re part of the sisterhood.
We’re all here, all going through this thing called life, no matter how different our experiences are. And we have the right to support from others—and we should also offer it to our fellow sisters.
We are grateful to Erika for her courage to share her story with us today.
Check out her Instagram account and get connected. Queens should stick together and grow together!